Offer vs. Serve  -  IT'S YOUR CHOICE!!!

                                Breakfast Meals -  Students are offered all three required food components in at least the minimum required amounts.   Grains (with optional meats/meat alternates allows);   fruit/juice/vegetable;  and milk.   Under OVS, a students must be offered at least four food items and the students must select at least three foods items, one of which must be 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetables (if vegetables offered at breakfast) .   STUDENTS CAN CHOOSE!    Fruit is unlimited at breakfast (only 1 juice allowed). 


                                           Lunch Meals  -  At lunch, students are offered all five required food components in at least the minimum required amounts. The components at lunch are: meats/meat alternates;  grains;  fruit; vegetables; and fluid milk. Under OVS, a student must take at least three components in the required serving sizes. One selection must be at least 1/2 cup from either the fruit and/or vegetable component.  STUDENTS CAN CHOOSE!  Vegetables are unlimited (only 1 potato item).   Fruit is unlimited  (only 1 juice).  



 Jimtown Elementary October 2024 Menu

 Jimtown Intermediate October 2024 Menu

Jimtown Junior High School October 2024 Menu

Jimtown High School October 2024 Menu