What's non-negotiable
- Stay seated, facing forward.
- Stay quiet using "inside" voices.
- Become silent at all railroad crossings and school bus stops.
- Keep windows above or at the halfway point.
- Never put anything out of the windows.
- Stay out of the danger zone around the bus.
- Keep all belongings in a bag when loading or unloading.
- Never distract the bus driver from the roadway.
- Be responsible for their own safety and the safety of others.
Bus Stops
- Adults at bus stops keep students safe. Please be there.
- Teach children the basics of crossing the road. Look left, right, then left again.
- Make sure traffic is stopped before crossing any road or boarding a bus.
- Be at the bus stop early.
- Keep all belongings in a bag. Every object must fit in a bag and be small enough to sit on your lap or between your feet.
- Wait away from the road.
- Don't approach the bus until the driver waves you and not until you have made sure it's safe.
- Never run after the bus!
- When exiting a bus, stop on the last step and look for cars. Follow all directions of the bus driver.
- WEAR REFLECTIVE CLOTHING! Make sure you can be seen.
* Adults: FYI, an adult is never allowed on the bus unless invited by the driver. Entering a school bus is trespassing and against the law.
Riding the bus
This part is simple. Please teach your children to:
- Take a seat.
- Stay in the seat.
- Use inside, quiet voices.
- Be kind to one another.
- Keep the bus clean, no litter.
- Keep everything inside the bus, nothing goes out the bus window.
- Pay attention to the route and know when to get off the bus at their designated stop.
- And, most importantly, let the driver focus on the road. Every distraction made to the driver is a threat to safety.
- And, even more importantly, respect the bus driver responsible for everyone's safety.
- Teach children to obey authority and the adult in charge.